



中國戲劇學系由張其昀創辦,致力於發揚國粹並提高國劇學術研究精神,為本校最早成立的學系之一。 本系結合中國戲曲唱腔與肢體表演等劇場元素,融合西方當代劇場的導演及編劇訓練,旨在培養中西合併的全方位劇場人才。 本系提出全國唯一的教學宗旨,既承繼傳統,又能適應當前劇場市場的新方向。

  • 重視演員肢體訓練
  • 課程中西兼顧
  • 課程具有高度專業性
  • 學生表演活動豐富,強化劇場實務訓練

Introduction to the Department

The founder of the Department of Chinese Drama, Zhang Qi-yun(張其昀), aims to carry forward Chinese quintessence and improve the academic research spirit of Chinese opera. The department combines traditional theatrical elements such as Chinese opera singing and traditional physical performances with Western contemporary theatre training of directors and screenwriters. Its objective is to cultivate comprehensive theater artists who are capable of merging Chinese and Western cultures.

  • Emphasizing the physical training of actors.
  • The courses are comprised of both Chinese traditional drama and western modern theater.
  • The courses are highly specialized and professional.
  • Students have high frequency performance activities which bring them the practical skills in theater.


本系成立於民國五十二年,為本校最早創設的十五個學系之一,亦為臺灣高等教育史上第一個戲劇類學系。 民國六十一年改制為戲劇系中國戲劇組,民國八十八年獨立為中國戲劇學系迄今。 創系主任為俞大綱教授,其後由閔守恆、張鴻謨、莊本立、張大夏、林峰雄、王士儀、劉慧芬諸位教授先後主持系務, 民國一百一十四年起由吳承澤副教授接任迄今。

History of the Department

This department was established in the 52nd year of the Republic of China. It is one of the first fifteen departments established in our school and the first drama department in the history of Taiwan’s higher education. In the 61st year of the Republic of China, it was restructured into the Chinese Drama Group of the Department of Drama. In the 88th year of the Republic of China, it became the independent Department of Chinese Drama. The founding director of the department was Professor Yu Dagen. Later, Professors Min Shouheng, Zhang Hongmo, Zhuang Benli, Zhang Daxia, Lin Fengxiong, Wang Shiyi, and Liu Huifen took charge of the department. Since the 114th year of the Republic of China, Associate Professor Wu Chengze has taken over.